Tuesday, November 2, 2010

State of Nancy Pansies

What is happening to our society? When did we become such coward as not to be able to stand up for what we believed in and what was until recently the state of societal norm. When did it become so wrong to speak on the general social rot the is slowly streaming into our core society. All we do is walk on glass, afraid of breaking it, afraid of stepping on the toes of those who are deemed currently as the norm. I have nothing against people being different.
But i do have an issue with society forcing me to accept them as part of my environment. Like it's the most natural thing on earth. In as much as you have the right to express yourself, so do i too. The society should not force me to conform to your ways. I hate your ways, that is my right as a human being to have an opinion.
I hate that which you represent, i hate the fact that the mainstream media want to portray you as natural, as a something is should embrace. Well i won't. you know who you are and no i will not accept you. I will not accept your plight and i will not deem you normal in any conceivable way. Basically i will not be a Nancy Pansy!!

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